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Pallini in piombo derivanti da processi di demilitarizzazione

Pallini in piombo disponibili in diverse tipologie, derivanti dai processi di demilitarizzazione di cartucce da caccia cal. 12 svolti dallo Stabilimento Militare Ripristini e Recuperi ...
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Materiale Di Vestiario, Equipaggiamento E Casermaggio Ex AM

Vendita di Materiale di Vestiario, equipaggiamento e casermaggio ex AM, con formula “as is, where is”. // Auction for clothing, equipment and former AM barracks ...
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Tappetino Antisdrucciolo

Produced by the artisans of the historic Ropes Production Military Plant of Castellammare di Stabia (Naples), the non-slip mat represents the professionalism of the manufacture ...
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Cartridge boxes – Cassette Porta Munizioni Dismesse

Deriving from the demilitarization processes carried out by the Ammunition Recovery and Disposal Military Plant of Noceto di Parma, the metal cartridge boxes are original ...
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Surgical Face Masks

The AID-MC01 is a single-use surgical mask of type I, used to reduce the risk of infection spreading in case of epidemics and pandemics. Masks are ...
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FFP2 Face Masks DPI

The AID-GCA FFP2 NR is a disposable personal protective device capable of filtering more than 95% of the microparticles suspended in the air. It is suitable ...
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Naval Ropes

Cavo Trecciato in Poliammide 8-12 L

Standard colours: White. Main application: Naval (Mooring - Wraping - Tow). No floating. Relevant Regulations: UNI EN ISO 1140 - (2012)
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Cavo Piano in Poliammide Fibrillato 3-4 L

Standard colours: White. Main application: Naval (Mooring - Wraping - Tow). No floating. Relevant regulations UNI EN ISO 1140 - (2012)
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Cavo Piano Canapa 3-4 L

Standard colours: Natural; Main Application: Naval (Mooring - Wraping - Tow); No floating, Relevant regultions: UNI EN 1261
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Cavo Polipropilene Monofilo 3-12 L

Standard colours: White; Main application: Naval (Mooring - Wraping - Tow); Semi-floating; Relevant Regulations: UNI EN ISO 10556 (2010)
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Sagola Poliestere

Standard Colours: Various; Main Application: Various; No Floating; Relevant Regulations: NAV-70-4000-0002-13-00B000
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Land vehicles

Rottami ferrosi provenienti da n. 800 veicoli dismessi

Vendita di rottami ferrosi provenienti da n.800 veicoli dismessi dall’Esercito Italiano, con formula “as is, where is”. // Auction for ferrous scrap derived from 800 ...
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